Kamis, 01 November 2012

Korean Indie vs K-Pop

I was chatting with my Korean little brother, Jay Lee, via Kakao Talk. We were talking about certain tv shows and my progress on learning Korean language. I told him I learn through watching variety shows and drama, and he told me that he only watches "Muhan Dojeon" (trans: Infinity Challenge) and Radio Star, because he's so occupied with his work, he doesn't have too much time to watch tv.

Anyway, we suddenly talked about music, and he told me that indie groups are more popular in Korea. He said, groups like Busker Busker, Urban Zakapa,  Hot Potato, they are more well known than idols songs.
I was quite taken aback by his statement, but my curiosity wins, so I asked him why. He said, many of those idols gave too much influence on the young kids, and that their fans are somehow causing lots of trouble with their surroundings (refers to: sasaeng fans).

I don't really understand his explanations, so I asked him again using different words. FYI, he's a 27-year-old man, working as support brand manager for a popular beauty product,not anything related to music industry or whatsoever. His English sometimes lack in clear description because most of the times he's using Korean grammar for his English.

What he's trying to say, is that idols existence are not too well known by lots of Koreans, what he means by Koreans here is common people who don't work in music industry or have too much interest in music industry. Those that are well known, are idols who constantly make appearance whether in dramas, in movies, or variety shows...or those who made into headline for their scandals.

Scandals as in their own scandals, or scandals regarding the sasaeng fans. He doesn't continue about sasaeng fans, and he becomes uneasy, so I stopped asking. He also said that those interested in idols are mostly teens and kids, not adults. 

I still need to put this into thoughts.

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

As Always, Getting Misunderstood --"

Okay, so here's the story. November 2011, me n my friend went to Singapore because we want to escape from the tired and boring life we had. We choose Singapore because it's not far, 3hrs flight from the airport in the city next to mine, because it's not expensive, because we have another company, which is desperately asking me to accompany her to Singapore because she wanted to watch 2pm concert(I am looking at you, Ajeng) and her parents didn't allow her to leave unless she got a company, me.

Anyway, the trip was my 3rd trip because I went to Singapore once in 2009(well, if you count Changi transit before flying to Adelaide as a visit), and the second trip was in 2010, I was with a group of student, being shepherd, I mean as a teacher accompanying my students for study tour.

The trip was fun, I spent like 5 days there, enjoying scene, eating street food, or just sitting at a cafe, watching people passing by. There was even a funny guy sharing a room with us (it was a dorm room) who always strip off all his clothes unless a small black panty before he sleeps..and his bed was the opposite of mine..at first I was freaked out, but then I started to think, ah, whatever.


The problem happened when I went back to my country, and start working again. Every single colleagues were asking me about my trip. Like seriously, their question was mostly about how much money I spent, what places I went, and how can I get such a cheap ticket price. *stops to scratch head* uh, well, when you have time, why don't you go check google to see..

I thought that was the end, but I was wrong. Some ladies approached me, asking me to set up a trip to Singapore, because they have never been abroad (some of them went to Mecca for hajj pilgrimage). They wanted me to count the tix price, then book a hostel room, then arrange the rip for them. I asked my friend to help me(thank you, Nisa!!) and the trip went (somewhat) smooth.


My headmaster poked fun at me (I dunno when he's joking or being serious) saying that, "I heard you have a new travel agency! congrats!"

I was like, "OH..UH..WHAT?"

Well, my headmaster has a travel agency for Hajj trip, and i heard he was kinda hoping that I would use the help from his agency. I don't want to, because it will make the cost so expensive, and I simply don't have the money to do that. and here I am again, being misunderstood. 


Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Reasons Why I Need Two Twitter Accounts

As many of you know, I have two separated micro-blog accounts. I used to have only one and I thought it was enough. Turns out to be wrong. Turns out that I DO need to separate my twitter accounts. I did it on purpose that most of my Twitter followers in my old account have no idea about my new Twitter account. There are reasons why I need to use two separate accounts.

One. I am a teacher. Most of my students follow me via my old twitter account. I got a lot of follower, around one thousand! Well, most of them are my students, and they follow me because sometimes I posted updates about what's going on at school because apparently the notification sometimes don't reach the students. We have problems with our audio, as always. Old school, old building, old electricity system. 

Well, my mistake here is that I use this account for fangirling as well, where I connect and chat with my friends, where I don't pay attention to what I said, and many times, it just lead to wrong conclusions when I tweeted about what's going on in my fandom (JWalkerz FOR LYFE!!) , they thought it has something to do with the school. eeeeeekkkkkk, my mistake.

Two. I have trolls as colleagues. They love to troll my old twitter account, and then make fun of what I said, what I did, including my choice of fangirling. I used to think that, as long as I perform my work well, as long as I fulfill my duties well, they will leave me doing whatever I like doing, as long as it doesn't give bad influence to my school. WRONG. They love poking into my thoughts, making fun of what I tweeted, jeers at my choice, laugh at my activities. I mean, leave me alone. I am not living a boring life like you old folks do.

A friend told me, why dont you just lock your twitter? No. I hate it. I don't lock my account because I want my students to be able to retweet any important news related to school.I want them to spread the news fast, especially when it's important, and twitter is the fastest way because my students check their twitter like every 5 minutes or so.

Three. Language barriers. I have to show a good example of English for my students, a fun and joking tweets in Javanese, and not-so-serious-sometimes-sarcastic tweets for my in-real-life friends. It was not easy with one account. My fandom friends -who are using English like most of them are living abroad- are confused with my Javanese and Bahasa Indonesia tweets. My students, who use English, Bahasa, and Javanese, are also confused when I tweet funky English as a joke for my JWalkerz friends...and I cannot spill my pervy thoughts to those who is not of age might get shocked of what I tweet. (I am looking at you, my sexy Californian troll, my Australian ducky, and my Arabian coffee!!)

There, I said it. Those are my reasons. If I don't explain it well here.. yeah, I am not good with words although I am an English teacher :s


Minggu, 16 September 2012

First Post

So, this is my first blog post. After all the dead blogs I left for various reasons - basically it's just because I am too lazy to post anything worth blogged- I decided to make one. I am still thinking of what I am going to post in this blog. Maybe I will just blog whatever here for a couple of months until I can decide what I am going to make of this blog.

Reasons why I make a blog:

1. I am sick of my Facebook
Recently it has been a place where my friends, or friends of a friend, or people who somehow made their way into my Facebook, posting things that might be improper for public. It's either showing their babies ( I don't have any, I am still single btw) or showing their hubbies ( again, for the same reason), or busy telling the world how desperate their life is. Uh..too much information..I don't need to know...
And I hate people selling things and tagging my name to some random stuff I don't need, like clothes, dresses.. I wonder how long does it take to them to realize that all the pretty dresses they posted, has none of my size? There is a reason why I have most of my clothes custom-made...

2. I have too much time in my hand
My boss decided this year ( July 2012 - June 2013) that I will teach only 6 classes, 2sessions each. So, I have to work for -roughly- 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. That's right, I still get full-paid. AWWYEAAAAHHHHHHH... Be jealous of me, people..be jealous of me....

3. I am almost 31 years old, and single.
 Hence, I have too much time in my hand. I don't have a nagging hubby telling me what to do at home ( I have my old Mom, but she's not difficult) nor a bunch of spoiled brats throwing tantrum demanding things that I will never give to them. 

So, yeah...here I am..blogging..